History of animation

Cel animation




This animation is Bugs Bunny, it is hand drawn. This is Cel animation which the artist would constantly draw slight changes to the character(s) using a story board as shown above to create it. The purpose of this was to entertain people. Each picture would be a frame these frames would then be put together giving the impression that the image would be moving. This type of animation was common during the start of the 1900s however became less frequent during the late 1950s.

These early animations had drawbacks as they often took long hours to create, requiring many drawings for one scene. They often also had to have a serperate audio system which was not in sync to the video

Flick books

flip book

The above animation shows the basis of how a flick book is designed, again multiple pictures are drawn in different frames on the storyboard. Each will have a slight change in the character or background and when all these frames are shown together they provide the effect that it is actually moving as shown in the YouTube video above. The purpose of this is also to entertain people.


Animated cartoons



The above animations Dragon ball Z and batman are examples of animated cartoons, they were designed as entertainment TV shows. They were created using computer generation allowing better quality, smoother running animations than previous ones. This means that the animations can either be in 2D or even 3D. This gives more control over the images to the user, the user can create images that normally he could not and also if can cut down the cost of actors and other extras which would normally cost money.

Types of file formats


.ai files are illustrator files that allow animations to be created from artwork.

.swf files are shockwave files which is a compressed form of a .fla file.


.fla are standard flash file format is made up of various points and curves and is able to be scaled to multiple sizes.


.flv are flash movies similar to .fla except they are usually larger.


.jpg – joint photographic experts group – are usually images.


.psd – Photoshop files – also images.

.gif – graphics interchangeable format – a short animation.


.png – portable network graphic – also images but cannot be animated.

.avi – audio video interleave – can contain either audio or video files.


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